Snappic Ideas

The ultimate picture marketing platform

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Ability to Redo one Photo
We get people asking all the time if they can just retake one photo in the photo strip or postcard, rather than having to redo all photos. This would be especially nice when the flash fails to go off...
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Ability to send Photo strip along with individual and GIF’s
Under review (Top Ranked)
Please add the ability to hit the photos button and give guest the ability to also receive the individual photos from the photo strip and also generate GIF’s from these photos and be able to send...
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Push changes to live event
Under review (Top Ranked)
Would love the ability to push changes and force a refresh on a live event WITHOUT having to exit the event and refresh locally on the iPad. Would help for installs, leases, and rentals where a quick...
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Trigger Snappic entirely with camera shutter button
Under review (Top Ranked)
Would love the ability to bypass the welcome/start screen and trigger Snappic directly with the camera's shutter button, without first seeing the preview screen. Would make manual shooting workflows...
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Increase Confessional Video Time Limit
Under review (Top Ranked)
From 30 seconds to at least 2 minutes, or remove it completely. We got away this time with this client, but I feel it will be difficult to sell and explain the 30 seconds limit every time.
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Make "Tap to Finish" look like a button
Under review (Top Ranked)
Please make an opaque box around the " tap to finish option" to make it more visible to guests. Most people can't see it, or think they can tap anywhere on the screen.
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Custom countdown sounds
Under review (Top Ranked)
Ability to add custom countdown sounds to the app.
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Allow for video to render while sharing
Under review (Top Ranked)
Ability to have the video session rendered while allowing guests to enter data capture, competition or sharing details. One of the biggest bottlenecks we have is waiting for a video to render...
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Continuous Shooting
Allow continuous shooting of photos with a. DSLR direct connection without having to start a capture every time. It would allow a photographer to capture multiple photos in succession. This will be...
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change camera settings/live view settings screens
The current screen for camera settings and live view settings need to be better organized and labelled. Change this so liveview and camera settings are side by side and CLEARLY labelled.
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