Snappic Ideas

UPDATE - Google Sheets Connection Process
snappic dashboard
Under review (Top Ranked) May 30, 2023

MARKETING AGENCY specific benefits. This and my other request would be a game changer for many agencies. The current " Sign in with Google " way we are able to grant access from events to our Google Sheets Account is flawed. It looses connection QUICKLY and in turn I cannot use for my clients Google does not like 3rd party app. But they have the create " APP Password " section under security/2-step verification/app passwords at the bottom. This is a dedicated password for the app and it will not loose connection. What needs to change is when we click connect google account, the user name and password field opens where we can enter this app password. Google sheets is more important than Zapier with my agency since I don't have to pay for a Zapier account and pass those fees onto my client. Through the use of a Webhook I can send the google sheet data where I need it to go for free.

Thanks for your feedback
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